
Experience the personal transformation
of your dreams!
Welcome, and congratulations on your interest in transforming your life with these extraordinary, motivational, inspirational, self-help books.
New Book Coming Soon!
Illimitable Intelligence: The New God is a complete deviation from Nelson’s original self-help series. A deep exploration into the quantum world and beyond, a new theory of consciousness, an intellectual journey that will mesmerize and stimulate your curiosity and cause you to reconsider your entire belief system. You will definitely want to sign up for email notifications a the bottom of this page.

The author thoroughly enjoys exploring spirituality and consciousness while discovering ways of improving life for himself and others. For nearly 30 years, he spent countless hours attending seminars, researching, studying, and seeking out ways to awaken his potential. His sincerest passion and mission in life is to provide simple shortcuts to living a more fulfilled and inspired experience for those who are struggling and ready for change.
Two accomplishments Nelson is particularly proud of are holding a 4th Degree Master Black Belt in TaeKwonDo Chung Do Kwan and walking on 1100 degrees Fahrenheit burning coals with his bare feet three times. He is the father of two wonderful, brilliant daughters and husband to his wife of more than 40 years.
His first book is The Experiential Approach. His goal was to be warm and passionate while inviting the reader to consider alternative means of making meaningful, positive changes in behaviors and thought processes. At age 15, his father committed suicide while he was alone with him at home. This book is about releasing guilt, embracing forgiveness, discovering your purpose, developing self-empowerment, living with joy and peace, and eliminating self-sabotage. There are a number of perspective-awakening exercises that will leave you feeling open and liberated.
The Experiential Approach is the first in a series of mind, body, and spirit self-help books designed to enhance life experiences by providing easy-to-follow exercises and contemplative philosophies. This book's primary focus is on how we can change the way we experience life by using the mind to heal the spirit.
His second book, The Mindfulness Approach, emphasizes the mind-body relationship and how we can use the mind to heal the body through mindfulness and meditation. It evolved from the severe health issues he incurred as a result of the stress related to witnessing his father's suicide. He shares some of the many techniques that he learned to heal his body and mend his mind.
The final book in this series is Beyond The Threshold. It concerns the mind-body-spirit relationship and delves into much more profound aspects of our being. It originated from more than 25 years of research and hundreds of hours of experiential education.
This book will share many leading-edge, insightful, yet simple ways of crossing the threshold of consciousness into more meaningful states of spirituality and coexistence with the world we live in. It is replete with solutions to problematic issues relating to current topics that are paramount to expanding consciousness and fulfilling your dreams.
Book four is in the works and will completely deviate from the first three.
May your journey be meaningful, rewarding, and exciting!